Tag Archives: housing

The Origins of Rawashin and Mashrabiyyahs

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Spahic Omer
Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences
International Islamic University Malaysia
E-mail: spahico@yahoo.com

Rawashin (mashrabiyyahs) on a house in Makkah Image

Rawashin (mashrabiyyahs) on a house in Makkah.

The Myth of the Mashrabiyyah

In Muslim literature, the earliest explicit reference to the phenomenon of rawashin[1] in the Muslim world was made either in the late 5th AH/11th CE or in the early 6th AH/12th CE century. The first scholar who did so was Imam al-Ghazali (d. 505 AH/1111 CE) — arguably one of the most celebrated Muslim theologians and jurists of Persian descent who lived and worked in Iraq and Khorasan — in his masterpiece Ihya’ ‘Ulum al-Din (The Revival of the Religious Sciences) when he discussed the obnoxious practices most commonly committed on the narrow roads. Imam al-Ghazali dealt with the matter as part of his discourse concerning the overarching Islamic principle of enjoining good and forbidding evil (al-amr bi al-ma’ruf wa al-nahy ‘an al-munkar). He wrote: “Of the loathsome deeds perpetrated on the (narrow) streets are: erecting pillars, building shops attached to private and occupied buildings, planting trees, projecting rawashin, placing lumber, or wood, and freights of grains and foodstuff on the road. All these are abominable because they lead to (further) narrowing of the roads, and thus endanger their users. However, if those practices did not pose any perils whatsoever, due to the roads being wide, then they are not to be prohibited.”[2]

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The Variety of Climates on Earth and Building

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Spahic Omer

Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences

International Islamic University Malaysia

E-mail: spahico@yahoo.com

A spectacular setting in a courtyard house in Marrakech, Morocco. Image

A spectacular setting in a courtyard house in Marrakech, Morocco.

The Earth’s Creator willed that no two places on Earth have the same climate and this relates to the speed, shape, disposition and rotation of the Earth. Climate affects significantly the conditions of life on Earth. Since two places on Earth do not have the same climate, it follows that world patterns of vegetation, soils and water resources vary significantly from one region to another. The effect of climate is so strong that it is also able to influence every human endeavour either directly or indirectly.

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Housing Design Practice and Energy Efficiency Consideration in Nigeria (P1)

Noor Hanita ABDUL MAJID 1, Ibrahim Udale HUSSAINI

The growing concern on the reduction of energy consumption in the residential sector of national economies rests on some parameters and issues that deserve to be resolved. Fundamental among these issues are the architectural concern, the appliances/services efficiency issue; and most recently the human behavioural dimension. This study focuses on the architectural issue with the objective of determining the level of energy efficiency consideration in housing design practice by the housing stakeholders in Nigeria, with a notion that arousing the professional cultures of the stakeholders, particularly architects and building service engineers in the direction of efficiency can help improve energy efficiency design practice. This is in recognition of the fact that more than one third of the world’s energy is used in buildings; and a majority in houses and apartments (Wulfinghoff, 2003) [1].

Therefore, instituting energy efficiency design practice would lead to attainment of significant reduction in household energy consumption. This study employs opinion survey on the stakeholders (architects, building service engineers and builders) as a measure of their perception and practice in our attempt to evolve energy efficiency housing design practice guidelines. The result reveals an obvious gap in housing design practice and energy efficiency consideration in Nigeria. (Continue reading?-See Attachments).
[1] Wulfinghoff, D. R., 2003, “How to Build & Operate a Super-Efficient House,” Version 040118, (2003). Wulfinghoff Energy Services Inc. DW@EnergyBooks.com. Retrieved