Date of Birth: May 28th, 1963
Citizenship: Egyptian
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box33, Al Khoud 123 Civil & Architectural Engineering Department College of Engineering SultanQaboos UniversityOffice: +968-24412671
GSM : +968-92670402
January 2000 CairoUniversity, Faculty of Engineering
Ph.D. in Architecture
Supervisors’: Prof. Medhat Dorra, Prof. Hamam Serajeldin.
Supervisor: Prof. Reihard Gothert (MIT, USA)
February 1993 Massachusetts Institute of Technology-USA/ Cairo University
Masters’ Degree in Architectureand Urban Design
Supervisors’: Prof. Reihard Gothert (MIT, USA)
Prof. Sami El Shafie, Asc. Prof. Hamam Serajeldin.(Cairo University).
June 1986 Cairo University, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture Engineering Department.
Bachelor Degree in Architecture Engineering.
Special Courses (National Defense Bureau, Egypt): Sociology and Psychology.
(Cairo University, Egypt): Structure and Infrastructure Engineering.
(MIT, USA): Project Management, Micro/Macroeconomics, CAD, GIS.
“The Online Classroom” Online Learning Course on Moodle E-Learning offered by CET, Sultan Qaboos University, 2009.
Feb. 2007 –Present Ass. Prof. of Architecture
Sultan Qaboos University- Muscat-Sultanate of Oman
Dec. 2007-Present Associate Prof. of Architecture.(On leave)
Helwan University- Cairo-EGYPT
Sept. 2005-Dec. 2006 Assistant Professor of Architecture
ArabAcademy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, College of Engineering and Technology, Department of Architectural Engineering and Environmental Design-Cairo-EGYPT
Dec. 2001-Dec 2007 Assistant Prof. of Architecture.
Helwan University- Cairo-EGYPT
Nov. 1999-Dec. 2002 MENA Technical Director
Ellerbe Bechet, Washington, USA /EGYPT
Jul. 1996 – Aug. 1999 Technical Manager
Saudi Diyar Consultants, Cairo, KSA/EGYPT
Jan. 1995-Jun. 1996 Senior Architect, Coordinator
Hariligton-Azmi and Partners, USA/UAE
Feb. 1993-Dec. 1994 Project Manager
Saudi Diyar Consultants, KSA
Sept. 1991-Dec. 1992 Visiting Scholar/Lecturer
Architecture & Urban Planning Department,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Feb. 1989-Aug 1991 Architect and Urban Designer
Saudi Diyar Consultant, KSA
Sept 1986-Dec 1988 Architect and Urban Planner
Dar El Handasa Consultant, USA/Egypt
- ‘Peace Fellowship’ The Egyptian Education Bureau, awarded a fellowship as a visiting scholar at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.
- “PhD Thesis of the Year Award” for the best PhD Thesis written in year 2000 by Cairo University.
- Urban Design Consultant Certificate, Egyptian Syndicate, Egypt, October 2005.
- Architecture Consultant, Egyptian Syndicate, Egypt, September 2002.
Thesis Supervision and Advising (Graduate)
1. Amr Hamdy El-Meligy, 2006-2009 M.Sc. (Defended), Supervisor, Department of Architecture, College of Engineering, Cairo University.
M.Sc. Thesis: Integrated Touristic Development(strategy for sustainable tourism planning and its impacts).
2. Sara Kassri-Tunisia 2009 (ongoing), Co-Supervisor, Department of Architecture, National School of Architecture and Urbanism, Tunis, Tunisia.
PhD Thesis: The expression of the contemporary architecture in independent Tunisia through the official concourse.
3. Mohamed Rashad, 2008 M.Sc. (ongoing), Co-Supervisor, Department of Architecture, College of Engineering, Cairo University.
MSc. Thesis: Smart Building Applications
4. Shady Mohamed, 2008 M.Sc. (ongoing), Co-Supervisor, Department of Architecture, College of Engineering, Cairo University.
M.Sc. Thesis: Green Architecture impact on newly developed cities.
5. Khaled Salah, 2005-2007 M.Sc. (Defended), Co-Supervisor, Department of Architecture, College of Engineering, Helwan University.
M.Sc. Thesis: Urban Space History (Analytical study of space and place in down town Cairo).
6. Fatma Mohamed El Nekeily 2004-2006 M.Sc. (Defended), Co-Supervisor. Department of Architecture, College of Engineering, Helwan University.
M. Sc. Thesis: The Role of Rehabilitation in Low Income Communities (case Study Ezbat el Hagana).
Professional Services:
1. Architecture Award 2008 Jury member-Architect ME- UAE.
2. Architecture Award 2009 Jury Member-Architect ME- UAE.
3. Editorial Board: International Journal of Architectural Research
4. Editorial Board: Journal of Islamic Architecture.
5. Aga Khan Award for Islam Architecture
Country coordinator (OMAN) Responsible for Project Nominations for the Award cycle 2009/2010.
6. RIBA (UK)Students’ Competition 2009 (Student’s Advisor) First Prize, Civil and Architectural Engineering Department, SQU, 5 Students enrolled.
7. Oxford Brooks University-England: Students’ Competition 2002 (Student’s Advisor) Commendation Prize, Helwan University.
8. Union of International Architects UIA: Students’ Competition 2004 (Student’s Advisor) Commendation Prize, Helwan University.
Sultan Qaboos University
1. SQU Al Hail Property Development Science and Technology Recreational Park, Master Plan and Strategic study, SQU, Oman 2010.
Role: Master Planner (Team Prof. Awni Shaban, Dr. M Alaa Mandour)
2. SQU College of Agriculture, Urban Spaces study- activating student spaces, SQU 2010.
Role: Urban Designer
The Research Council TRC- Muscat-Sultanate of Oman
- The master planning of Science and Technology Park-Muscat, The Research Council, Oman. 2009
Role: Master Planner (Team Prof. Awni Shaban, Dr. M Alaa Mandour, Dr. Shaibo Garba)
- Ministry of Interior, Bahrain, the Central Correction Facility and Jail of Bahrain Master Planning, 2006
Role: Consultant and Master Planner, Architect for the Project.
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
1. Affordable Housing master Plan (2400 Fedans) for Makkah Ammana.
Role: Strategic Planner and Master Planner, 2006
2. Makkah Gate Affordable Housing (2,000,000 Sqm) for Makka Ammana.
Role: Strategic Planner and Master Planner, 2006
1. Ministry of Health, Cairo, EGYPT: the Health Reform Program, development of 77 Health care units in Monofia Governorate, Contract funded by the World Bank (with the calibration of Sheladia Inc., Washington, USA), 2005.
Role: Strategic Planner and Master Architect for proto types Hospitals.
2. General Strategic planning for the Egyptian villages in Damnahour and Dumiat Governorate (The master development of 26 Villages), through Urban Planning Authority, Ministry of Housing, Egypt, 2005.
Role: Strategic Planner and Master Planner
3. Aga Khan Foundation, Cairo, EGYPT: Tablita Market, a socio urban development of a historical market in the historical district behind Al Azhar mosque, 2004.
Role: Community Planner and Master Architect for the market.
Society Membership
- Scientific Committee for Center for the Study of Architecture in the Arab Region (CSAAR)2008 Conference-Sharjah, UAE.
- Scientific Committee for Center for the Study of Architecture in the Arab Region (CSAAR) 2007 Conference-Tunisia.
- The United Arab Emirates (UAE) Engineering Society, UAE, 2001
- The American Institute of Architects (AIA), USA 1997
- The Egyptian Syndicate of Engineers, Cairo 1986
- The Egyptian Society of Architects, Cairo 1986
Jury Member
- Jury Member of the International Architecture Award, UAE 2009.
- Jury Member of the International Architecture Award, UAE 2008.
Refereed Journal Papers and Conference Proceedings
- Mandour, M. (Accepted 2011) “ The district, the Block and Me” Journal of Architectural and Planning Research JAPR, Locke Science Publishing, (Special Issue attached to Volume Dec 2011).
- Mandour, M.(Accepted 2010) “A Tale of A City” Journal of Islamic Architecture JIA, UTM Publishers Ltd (Volume 1, issue 3, June 2011)
- Mandour, M.(Accepted 2010) “Inside Outside” Journal of Architectural and Planning Research JAPR, Locke Science Publishing, (Special Issue attached to Volume 27 Number 4 Dec 2010).
- Ferwati, S, Mandour, M. March 2008 :“Proportions and Human Scale” IJAR: International Journal of Architecture & Research (Volume 2, Number 1)
- Mandour, M. September 2007: “The Urban merge “Future Urban Place” Open House International (Volume 32, Number 3). Page 38-47.
- Mandour, M. July 2007: “Mixed Reality: The Deconstruction of Time and Restructure Of Future” IJAR: International Journal of Architecture & Research MIT (Volume 1, Number 2) , page 77-91.
- Mandour, M. Feb 2006 :“Spatiality and Virtuality: Perception Virtual Urban Environments” International Journal of Design Sciences and Technology(Volume 13, Number 2) Europia productions.
- Mandour, M: “العمران بين العولمة والمحلية” “ Urbanism between Contemporary and Globalization” Book Chapter “قراءات فى الفكر المعاصر”by Ellie Hadad and Gamal Qwasmi (eds), 2009.
- Mandour, M “التغريب و الإغتراب فى العمران العربى المعاصر” “Westernization and Alienation in Contemporary Arab Architecture” Book Chapter “المدينة العربية المعاصرة”by Ellie Hadad and Gamal Qwasmi (eds), 2009.
- Augmented Heritage: New Era for Architectural Design, Civil Engineering and Urban Planning Khaldoun Zreik, Reza Beheshti & Oqba Fakoush (eds).Europia Productions, Paris, France (2005) -ISBN 2-909285-32-4
- Mandour, M.“ Istanbul: East and West” Sinan & His Age International Symposium, Turkey, 2010.
- Mandour, M.“Architeture of Politics“11th International Bauhaus-Colloquium 2009-Weimer-Germany Workshop with Proffesor Christine Boyer, Prinston University.
- Mandour, M.“Spatial Politics” Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics (CAPPE), University of Brighton Fourth Annual International, Interdisciplinary 2009.
- Mandour, M. “Space Flow” General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) Quebec, Canada, 2008.
- Mandour, M. “Deconstruction of History” Center for the Study of Architecture in the Arab Region (CSAAR 2007)-Tunisia.
- Mandour, M., Rabadi, Lana., “Al Quds/Jerusalem” Urban Planning Eductaion (UPE 7)- Thailand the 7th International Conference on Urban Planning & Environment 2006.
- Mandour, M. “Percepting Virtual Environment” Computer Aided Architectural Design in Asia (CADDRIA) 2006: Japan-March 2006.
- Mandour, M. “Geometric Patterns in Islamic Art” Lorentz Center, University of Leiden, Netherlands, Sept 2006.
- Mandour, M., Rabadi, L., Blebla, S., “There Is No Outside “The Case Of Jerusalem” , Union of International Architects (UIA) 2005, Istanbul Xxii World Congress Of Architecture, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Mandour, M.“From “Hard Architecture” To “Soft Architecture”, Architecture Form In the 21st Century. ACCAAD 2004, King Fahd Petrolum and Minerals Uinversity (KFPUM), Dammam, KSA.
- Mandour, M.“New Approach for Urban Development:” The Case of Barkaa City- Oman” Sustainable Architecture & Urban Development, Cairo University 2004.
- Mandour, M.“The Rejuvenating of Urban Form: Upgrading Public Open Spaces” TERRA 2003-The International Conference of Adobe Architecture, 2003, Yazd, IRAN.
- Mandour, M.” Public Participation, Urban Governance, and Public Policy” World Planning Schools Congress, Shanghai 2001, China.
- Mandour, M. “Architecture and Urban Spaces of Low Income Communities” 2010, Book, ISBN-10:363927055X , ISBN-13: 978-3639270556 , VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG.
- Mandour, M. “E-urban: Virtual urban Spaces Communities” 2010, Book, ISBN-10:3639280946 ,ISBN-13:978-3639280944 VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG.
- Mandour, M. : “Contemporary Architecture of Islamic Societies between Globalization and Traditions”. Final review and editing expected publication date June 2011.
- Mandour, M. Wanas, A. : “Modernity: Between East and West”. Final review and editing expected publication date August 2011.
Technical Reports
- Shaban, A., Mandour, M., “Master Plan Review for Future SQU Expansion” 2010, pages 75.
- Shaban, A., Mandour, M., “ Al Hail SQU Science and Technology Park” presented to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Postgraduate Studies and Research, 2010, pages 50.
- Shaban, A., Mandour, M., Garba, S., “The Research and Innovation Precinct at Al-Khodh Master Plan Report” Oman Research Council, 2009, pages 120.
- Hago, A., Mandour, M. “مشروع تطوير المبنى المدرسى” Sultanate of Oman, Ministry of Education, Directorate General of Education, Al Dakhiliyah Region, 2009, pages 50.
Periodical Articles
- “Architectural education in the GCC” , Architect Magazine, issue March, 2010.
- “Burj Dubai’s inspiration the Mile High Illinois”, Architect Magazine, issue May, 2009.
- “The fantasy of iconography”, Architect Magazine, issue December, 2008.
Funded Research
- Co Investigator for the Research: Towards Sustainable Urbanization Patterns in Oman, GUtech, Oman research Council ( Research Fund 94,000 O.R. Jan 2010 for three years).
Principal Investigator: Dr. Sonja Nebel, Professor- Dep. of Urban Planning and Architectural Design, GUtech German University of Technology (Focus: Urban Planning and Urban Management)
Co-Principal Investigators: Dr. Awni Shaaban, Professor- Dep. of Civil and Architectural Engineering, SQU (Focus: Sustainable City and Architecture)
Co-investigator: Dr. M Alaa Mandour, Assistant Professor- Dep. of Civil and Architectural Engineering, SQU (Focus: Urban Theory and Urban Design)
Research assistant: MA. Al Majd Al Hinai, (PhD Candidate)
Research assistant: MA. Hamad Al Gharibi (PhD Candidate)
- Master Planner : General Strategic planning for the Egyptian villages in Damnahour and Dumiat Governorate (The master development of 26 Villages), through Urban Planning Authority, Ministry of Housing, Egypt (Research Fund 780,000 LE, March 2005)
Principal Investigator/Master Planner : Dr. M Alaa Mandour, Assistant Professor of Architecture, Helwan University
Co-Principal Investigators: Dr Khaled Sami, Assistant Professor of Architecture, Helwan University